I would like you to meet the lovely Mary (pictured) she was found by Colin at St Mary’s Primary School, she is only little, 611 grams.
Thanks to Colin, Hilary and June for bringing her in where she could get the help she needs and richly deserves, after all she is very much one of God’s little creatures. Jillian of A Prickly Problem has her in her rescue on medication for a parasite burden and a poorly chest. All rescues, including mine, have a very good spectrum of different medications which enable us to act as soon as we admit them.
It just goes to show that we often still admit, even when they should be hibernating. The weather is so unpredictable at the moment all our wildlife are confused. As a rehabber I have to explain that our hedgehogs are the uk’s favourite mammals and we love them dearly. We bring them into our homes and give them the best care we can and hope to save their lives but we need everyone to be kind to them. If a hedgehog is out during the day, whatever size, he or she needs help which is where we come in. Please don’t leave them, get them help.
Also, all rescues are self funded, not only do we have to provide medical care, we have to get out and about raising money or asking for donations, personally I don’t ask anyone because I have my pride but it is for our prickly babies, not for me, the work I do is 24/7, 365 days a year, unpaid, all I want is to save their lives. I never close but if I go on holiday I hand my Rescue hoggies to another rehabber who I know and trust.
This rescue couldn’t function without Valerie, June, Donella, Wally, Mandy, Wendy of Grannies Choice, Sue and Linda of Jorjias Attic for selling raffle tickets for the Easter Raffle, I have obtained another prize too, for all you animal lovers I have received a donation of £20 in vouchers from the manager of Jollies Pets in Darlington. Taffle tickets are still on sale and I will be drawing winners out during the last week in March, everyone can choose the prize of their choice.
Contact, email: pricklyhaven@yahoo.com
Facebook: Prickly Haven Hedgehog Hotel
The British Hedgehog Preservation Society 01584 890801.
The Hog Blog