All is well here at Prickly Haven Hedgehog Rescue and over the last few days I have been dropping off raffle prizes for our winners, Donella of Grannies Choice, Dean, Louise, Nancy, who is home from hospital recently, get well soon Nancy, Bob and Ian.
These last few days has been very busy, four of the hedgehogs I have here have become unwell, I assume it’s the noise caused by fireworks and the winds at the back of the house, through the trees, has also frightened them. What I have here are last years babies, they were all very small when brought in, these noises are new to them but rest assured these hogs are kept in the safety of the house, not in the shed. The two who were the poorliest were Tilly, off Lorraine and her sister, and Rana from Cockfield, Bobby and Holly were also upset too. They are all fine now and settled, gaining weight again, thankfully.
Most of us are overwintering now, as I have previously mentioned, but we all have to feed and provide care for any hedgehogs we have in our rescues and it doesn’t come cheap, all will have to remain here til spring and I have more here than I have ever had. I am a very proud person and I love to do fundraising events and meet like minded members of our community who love our hedgehogs and answer any questions, but, I am unable to do any fundraising at the moment due to health concerns, so I am asking for donations, any amount, however small, can make a big difference to these gorgeous mammals.
My Facebook page ‘Prickly Haven Hedgehog Hotel’ is being updated as often as possible, which is where anyone can ask questions or catch up with the hedgehogs they brought in to me.
Alternatively my email is or The British Hedgehog Preservation Society have my details, they can be contacted on 01584 890801.