Happy New Year everyone!
Hope it has been a wonderful holiday for you all. Most F and S rehabbers are overwintering but there is still the odd small one coming in, unfortunately I am over capacity and, an imminent stay in hospital over the next few weeks complicates matters too however, on a positive, all prickly friends will remain here and if anyone needs a rescue I still can point you in the right direction.
Being a rehabber is the hardest thing I have ever done but the rewards are infinite, however, your support and generosity keeps this rescue afloat, I do what I can to keep them warm, comfortable, safe and healthy, they will be here til spring of course.
Very special thanks to Valerie and June who have helped me with Craft Fairs, John with his very generous donation, Neil and Caz, Holly’s finder, Mary who found Stevie, Hazel, Joyce, Jackie and John Connell, Nev and Jo of Communty Spirit also Lorraine Elliott. Thank you also to Donella, Wally and staff of Grannies Choice for selling raffle tickets for me, Thank you all so much and, of course, donations go directly to the hedgehogs in my care for food, medical supplies and anything else they need.
Please get in touch if you need any help or advice about a hedgehog, some hibernate, some don’t, so to support feed is still very much appreciated, kitten kibble and water is the best to use because kitten biscuits have a very high fat content, Tesco’s own make is perfectly fine.
Great news about Brian May being knighted, he is very much a hedgehog lover, having Harper Asprey Rescue Centre, congratulations to him.
The British Hedgehog Preservation Society can be contacted on 01584 890801
or my email address is pricklyhaven@yahoo.com
Photo: Holly waiting for her bed to be changed.
The Hog Blog