It’s been an eventful year, one way or another, and for some reasons I am glad it’s nearly over. All rehabbers have seen some dreadfully poorly hedgehogs come in and they haven’t been well enough to save, leaving us heartbroken, so I hope that we have all learned something about what to do when we see a poorly hog out during the day. Pick the poor soul up, place in a high sided box with towels and get he or she the help they richly deserve. Sports netting, golf courses, ponds, pesticides and poisons, these are just a small sample of the dreadful things they face when they come out at night. Personally, I don’t envy them at all, I have a profound dislike for this time of year because most rescues across the UK have gone over capacity with small hogs that have been brought into the world too late in the year and they come in poorly too. Last Friday I admitted a small 212g baby girl, pictured below, she would not have survived the cold weather, however she is here with the other small ones, gaining weight, staying warm and she will be released next year.
In here I will be overwintering 14, two from Cockfield, one from Cleves Cross Nursery School, Ferryhill, Charlotte from Ingleby Barwick, the rest are from Aycliffe, all doing well and treatment free. New release sites will be found for the ones that came from risky areas to begin with.
Special thanks this week go to Margaret for her beautiful needlepoint pictures, for our raffle, Dot and Gwen for visiting last week with a donation, June, Valerie, Lori and Bev too, for raffle prizes etc, not forgetting Sue and Linda of Jorgias Attic for helping me make some bits and pieces for our Christmas Fair and all the staff of Grannies Choice for helping me sell some raffle tickets, which are still on sale, even though hedgehogs in the wild are hibernating it’s business as usual taking care of the small ones here.
Hope to see you all at the Pioneering Care Centre Christmas Fair on the 10th December, it’s all for our prickly babies
Tip of the Week: Please help these poor souls if you see one out during the day, as mentioned above, bring inside firstly then ring The British Hedgehog Preservation Society on 01584 890801. I am here for advice, my email is
The Hog Blog