The Helping Hands Great Giveaway last Thursday at the Youth Centre was a fantastic event and we want to thank all those who made it a success especially Linzi Nicholls who coordinated the event. Special thanks goes to Life Church for their support and to those who attended and had great fun while waiting, enjoying the shopping, and chilling out with us for a couple of hours.
If you missed it and are wondering what The Great Giveaway was…? Picture a massive room, filled with high quality items…but everything was FREE to help yourself! There was clothing, toys books and household goods all for the taking.
Helping Hands are passionate about helping and loving people, blessing others, and bringing hope to those here in our community. At the Great Giveaway our hope was to do exactly that by helping meet the needs of local people.
Please keep an eye out in our friendly Newton News for another giveaway in the not-too-distant future.