The Dash is a big primary school sporting event held every year. For the last two years, due to Covid, it has been cancelled, but this year it was finally back. For the first time it was held at Eleven Arches Farm in Bishop Auckland – the site that is usually used for the Kynren. Children from Aycliffe Village Primary School competed in their first ever Dash athletics competition and loved it!l
Teams from each year in Key Stage 2 competed in a series of events including chest throw, standing long jump and 300 metre run.
The teams that went to Kynren consisted of two boys and two girls from each year. In Year 5 we had Sam Maddison and Hannah Clark representing our school for the chest push and standing long jump and myself (Harrison Taylor) and Jasmine Dhillon representing us in the 300 metre run. Although nobody in Year 5 were finalists, Mila Parnaby and Oscar Clarkson in Year 4 made the finals. Mila came second and Oscar was joint third.
At Kynren, to celebrate the winners of the events for chest throw and long jump the Locomotion replica steam engine came out with its carriages filled with the winners!
Although we didn’t win any event for our year group, we all had a fantastic time and enjoyed the event very much and I can’t wait for the school to do it again next year.
Reporter: Harrison Taylor, Year 5.
The Dash is Back