On behalf of the residents of Middridge, I would like to express our thanks and appreciation to Greenfield College students, our Community Police, GAMP, the Newton News and our County Councillors for the wonderful sculptures which were placed on our village green to encourage motorists to slow down through the village. They not only had the desired effect (motorists were seen to wave and sound their horns at the lifelike figures) but the students had created works of art which looked really impressive and were enjoyed by us all. We very much hope to see them return as soon as possible.
A special word of thanks to our Community Police Support Officer, Michael Hutchinson, whose idea got the project off the ground.  Unfortunately for Middridge, Michael is leaving us to become a Police Constable but his attendance at our PACT meetings and his invaluable support have been very much appreciated and he will be missed. We wish him all the very best for the future and welcome his replacement, Chris Noble who will be attending our next PACT meeting at 6pm Monday 2nd November.
Anne Clarke
Chairwoman, Middridge Parish Council