Dear Sir,
Following my letter in the Newton News two weeks ago, and the subsequent public meeting in which we discussed the topic of the bin collections in our alleys, I would like to thank Durham County Council for their swift response to what was indeed a volatile subject.
I didn’t foresee the reaction when I wrote the letter. At the time, it was just my Husband and I venting our anger at the situation. The two gentlemen at the meeting obviously hadn’t realised the depth of anger we all felt, and to be fair, they have now taken steps to rectify the situation. We have now been given letters with an apology, acknowledging that “this issue could have been dealt with more sensitively” and work to tidy the alleys and repair uneven paths would be put in place. This work started this morning (Wednesday) and we have been told that we can carry on leaving our wheelie bins out as before.
This is a very satisfactory end to what could have been a long-drawn out affair and a triumph for the “small voice”. Thank you again DCC for listening.
Gillian Stevens
2 Marshall Road