Officers from the Cleveland and Durham Specialist Operations Unit held a mobile phone campaign recently with 26 drivers being fined for putting others at risk by using their phones at the wheel.
All offenders were men aged between 23 and 59 in a mix of cars and vans across the Cleveland and Durham force areas. Each will be reported for the offence and receive six points on their licence and a £200 fine.
Roads Policing Inspector, Kevin Salter, said: “Despite what some people think, using your phone at the wheel, even for a few seconds, can distract you enough to cause a collision – which could be fatal.
“We see the devastation caused by drivers using mobile phones behind the wheel. Please don’t become another statistic – keep yourselves and other road users safe by putting your phone away when driving.
“The new legislation introduced in March 2022 prohibits mobile phones being used for any reason other than to make emergency calls. This includes using your phone to change music or check the time.”
“26 offenders for the whole campaign is a lot lower than we’ve seen previously and I want to thank those who drive safely and help us protect all road users.”