Iain Lee, our Son, Brother, Nephew, Cousin and Friend.
Over the past two months, our family has been through unimaginable stress, pain and heartache. From the moment police officers gave that dreaded knock on the door we have experienced an emotional rollercoaster which has ended in the most devastating of ways.
Our son, our brother, our uncle and our friend Iain Lee was laid in the intensive care unit of James Cook University Hospital fighting for his life. He simply left home to enjoy a night out with friends.
He lost the fight for his life and now he will never return home to us.
To sit and type that last sentence does not seem real. The grief we are all experiencing cannot be described in words.
Another thing that cannot be described in words is the sheer gratitude, we, as a family, have for each and everyone of you, from those who made a donation on the go fund me page which was kindly set up for Iain, those who left such heartfelt comments offering us love and reassurance and to those who came to the church to support us and each other in saying their goodbyes and giving Iain the send off he deserved, and a packed church it was!!!
Iain would have been blown away knowing so many people thought of him in this way.
In times like this, families will always remember the best of their loved ones. They will remember how kind they were, how they smiled, how they were a friend to many and just how much they were loved.
Your comments and your kindness have reinforced what we already knew, that Iain really was loved by so many. I could sit in front of this screen all day but I simply cannot relay the message of how much your support, kindness and generosity means to us.
We did not ask for this but good people do good things when others are in pain and at their time of need. Each and every one of you should be proud, as we are of you and as Iain would be of you.
It is reassuring to know there are many good people in this world, Iain was one of them and so are each and every one of you.
Thank you from the bottom of our broken hearts. Diane & Ian Lee, family & friends
Thank you