John’s Aycliffe Community Kitty would like to thank Humankind, formerly DISC, for giving us premises over the last 3 years free of any charge whatsoever. The first time we have encountered generosity of this kind since Tuesday market days when Town Centre Manager Bryan Haldane allowed me to have a free Town Centre storage space and market traders kindly gave me an area of approximately 50ft for the rent of a 10ft area, brilliant! Without all of this I would never have got started and we are coming up to year 12 in October!
There is one very important man in all of this, the founder of Newton Press, Mr Syd Howarth, MBE. For almost 30 years Syd has supported and encouraged me in whatever I’ve had going on charity wise and I feel honoured to call him a friend.
I only hope he calls me one!
Thank you Syd.
John xx