Great Aycliffe Community Aid Partnership with the kind co-operation of the Landlord and Ronnie the caretaker have arranged for partners to have regular charity stalls in the Thames Centre to fundraise and raise awareness of its members.
The first to take advantage of this offer is Great Aycliffe Cancer Support Group on Saturday 6th February starting at 10am until 3pm. As well as informing our Community on what the group is about they are also running a Tombola, Face Painting with entertainment provided by Professsor Nincompoop. He has kindly offered to make balloon characters for children from 10am until 11.15am.
Committee Members are on hand for those people wanting to talk or requiring information about the group.
It is not all doom and gloom and you can see on their website that it’s all about getting the right help and support and not facing cancer alone.
The group have regular monthly meetings at the Youth & Community Centre and enjoy outings and other social occasions.
If you are interested in becoming a member of GACAP which unites all statutory and welfare organisations in the town in helping disadvantaged people please E-mail:
GACAP meets monthly to discuss ways to help each other, help those in need.
Thames Centre Helps Town Charities