Newton Aycliffe Youth and Community Centre’s “Farm to Fork” event is a Tesco nationwide initiative dedicated to getting children interested in where their food comes from.
July 20th. 22nd and 27th July will be Messy Bread where the children will be able to bake bread – 1pm – 3pm.
July 27th, 29th and August 4th will be Fun with Fruit where the children will find out where their fruit comes from and they will make fruit skewers 1pm – 3pm
August 6th will be a repeat of Fun with Fruit. 9.30am -11.30am.
August 25th and 27th will be Messy Bread where the children will be able to bake bread. 9:30am – 11:30am.
These activities are for children aged 4 – 11 years old. Each session is FREE but there are LIMITED spaces available if parents would like to book their children on the sessions they need to call Newton Aycliffe Youth and Community Centre on 01325 307522
Tesco Involve Children in Free Food Sessions