Thank you to the management and staff of Tesco’s in Newton Aycliffe for allowing us into their store to ask shoppers to add a tin to their shopping and donate it to the Foodbank. In these days of competitive pricing and commercial interest it is wonderful that a leading retail organisation would give their time and floor space to our charity.
I should also like to thank those volunteers who gave their time to stand and hand out leaflets, all smiling whilst I am sure their feet ached from standing, like mine did. Thank you very much, as readers can see we attract volunteers of all ages.
Finally I should like to thank YOU, the shoppers in Tesco’s who gave most generously to aid the work of your Foodbank. We rely solely on donations in order to help those who find themselves in food poverty.
I should ask you to extend your generosity even further as we are returning to Tesco’s supermarket in Newton Aycliffe on Friday the 15th of July for another food collection day.
Ernie & June Temple
Foodbank coordinators
Tesco Customers Stock Foodbank