Rotary Newton Aycliffe will be forever grateful to the Newton News for the support we received when we launched our appeal for funding to replace and upgrade the War Memorial Lighting after the recent act of vandalism. Our association with Newton Press, the War Memorial and all things community run wide and deep. Syd Howarth, founder of Newton Press, was a life long Rotarian and without his drive and vision, there would be no memorial in Newton Aycliffe.
We reached our appeal target within 3 days of the publicity going out and President Gary Blenkinsopp commented, “I knew that at the heart of our community there were people that would not sit back and wait for others to step up. And although, at first, there was public outrage at such an act of wanton vandalism, goodness and a willingness to assist will always win through”.
The club stated that any donations over and above the target would go to the Royal British Legion so there is still time to donate if you have not done so. Find our Just Giving account at Newton Aycliffe War Memorial Aycliffe Rotary fundraising – JustGiving.
Many thanks.
The President and Members of Rotary Newton Aycliffe
Target Achieved in Three Days