Residents of County Durham and Darlington are invited to come along to meet the Police, Crime and Victims’ Commissioner, Ron Hogg, at a series of drop-in sessions across the county.
Ron is committed to visiting as many communities as possible to gain an understanding of local issues. Residents are welcome to pop in to meet Ron and members of his team, and discuss issues in their area.
Ron said ‘I want to gain a real understanding of local concerns. I want to hear the good and the bad, and hear the positive and negative stories, so that I work with you to identify solutions to help keep our communities safe.’
Residents are also encouraged to come and share their views about the increase to the police element of Council Tax for 2018-19. Ron intends to introduce an increase of £8 per year for properties in Band A – equivalent to 15p per week. Over 55% of properties in County Durham and Darlington are in Band A. Further details on the increase can be found at
In addition to the drop in sessions Ron or his staff will be visiting a number of Area Action Partnerships (AAPs) in the next few weeks to discuss policing issues and the rise in the police element of the precept. Members of the public are welcome to attend the AAP meetings. For more information on the meetings and how to register to attend, please visit . Ron or his staff will be attending the following meetings:
30th January 2018 – Great Aycliffe & Middridge Partnership AAP Board.
Tuesday 30 January 2018, between 6pm and 8pm at Oakleaf Sports Complex,