Over the last 10 years I have volunteered to help individuals and groups in our Community to develop activities especially at Woodham Community Centre. As a great believer in partnership I have been encouraged by the progress we have made in Aycliffe, especially in the last three years.
Aycliffe has always had a great variety of groups, individuals and organisations, and in the last few years has been great at finding and trying out new ways to help. Innovations like Learning Partnership, and Great Aycliffe and Middridge Partnership, have been instrumental in helping grass root development.
I would point to such schemes as Computers for the Terrified, GAMP Small Grants, Gamp Forum events, where community priorities could be selected by people in our community and supported.
Throughout all of this I know two things are vital (1) Trying to start new ideas and activities has to be continued as you need to keep things going, you cannot stand still, whether you are a group, individual or organisation.
(2) Sustaining things by publicity is crucial and over the years I know from my records the importance of the support from Northern Echo’s Lizzy Anderson, and of course Syd and Paul at Newton News.
Many organisations have benefited from Newton News and I know that 70% of uptake on new events at Woodham come from this newspaper. Remember its FREE and over 16,500 copies are distributed each week.
I want to encourage take up of what I consider a great opportunity with the Newton News website, the Events Section and Calendar provide a FREE way for community groups to both promote and coordinate our activities.
I want to work with Paul at Newton News and the community to make sure this opportunity is made good use of.
Please view the site, then watch for further articles.
David Sutton-Lloyd
Taking Advantage of the New Free Newton News Website