Sunday 27th October
Clocks go back one hour
Lovely morning for a walk
I wont meet anyone or so I thought,
So off I go, no phone, no money, no teeth.
Put my prescription for the docs in my pocket
With my keys and that’s the lot.
All went well on the way, Oh what a lovely day
For a stroll, didn’t see a soul, thank God, no teeth.
On walking home to cook my lunch,
Down I went with a crunch,
Cars pulled up to offer help.
Crowds gathered round to help as well,
One called for help, and questions asked,
Age etc, and then the phone was passed to me,
The girl at the other end asked,
How much blood had I lost, was it a glass full?
I don’t know the glass is at home with my teeth,
Thanks to all who helped that day the only thing that’s
Really hurt is my pride, the rest will heal in time,
And kids cancel the crash helmets and knee pads and nose protectors you ordered for Christmas,
I’ll have a new gillet, and some new trackie bottoms.
Love to all, especially Jenny who took me to hospital.
Love and best wishes Carol Norton.