Dear Sir,
As most people will be aware it was World Book Day on Thursday 5th March and many schools across the country got involved carrying out various activities to promote reading including letting the children dress up for school.
I would just like to tell you about our experience with Sugar Hill Primary School where my son attends. As well the activities during the day and having the children dress up on Wednesday 4th March the staff invited children and parents back to the school at 5pm in their pyjamas for hot chocolate and cookies to read bedtime stories.
The staff had transformed the hall into a comfortable relaxing area with blankets, cushions and rugs for parents and children to get cosy and read their books.  This event was well attended by Sugar Hill Primary School staff and pupils with staff also in their pyjamas to encourage the children to snuggle down.
Bedtime reading is an important time for children and parents and the school did an absolutely amazing job of setting the scene and showing parents and children just how wonderful a bedtime story can be.
I would hope that this will encourage parents to carry out this pleasant task with their children on a regular basis. Everyone who attended this event joined in and really enjoyed this wonderful experience.
I would like to thank all of the staff at Sugar Hill for once again going above and beyond, for our children.
Louise Fawcett

book baron