Sugar Hill Primary School has become one of the first primary schools in the region to be awarded the 360 degree safe E-Safety Mark. An Assessor from the South West Grid for Learning recently visited Sugar Hill Primary School to review the school’s e-safety provision.
The Assessor met school staff, parents and carers, Governors and pupils and was pleased to find that the school provides a high level of protection for users of the new technologies.
To qualify for the E-Safety Mark, Sugar Hill School was expected to show that it has provided a high standard of e-safety education and awareness for all staff, pupils and also for parents and carers, to ensure that these users of the new technologies can be safe online – whether they are in school, in their homes, or out and about using mobile phones or other handheld devices.
Children at Sugar Hill have worked incredibly hard, with help from Mrs Noble, ICT Co-ordinator at Sugar Hill, to gain a better understanding of how to protect themselves against the dangers that the internet and new technologies can bring.
Ron Richards, Lead Assessor for the E-Safety Mark, congratulated the school on its success and commented that it was re-assuring to know that the school had put a lot of thought and effort into improving the on-line safety of the staff and young people, by addressing these important safeguarding issues.
Sugar Hill Receives Rare Award for E-Safety