It was fantastic to see so many children and staff wearing yellow for Mental Health Day last Friday.
Throughout the school, children and staff dressed in yellow or non school uniform and raised funds to support children and young people with mental health challenges.
At Sugar Hill emotional well-being is high on our agenda. How we think, feel and behave in a range of scenarios and situations is as unique as we are! Being able to identify a range of feelings, even from a very young age, is very important and central to our school ethos.
Classes across school completed a wide range of activities.
At lunchtime Mrs Legge Deputy Head Teacher and Emotional Well-being Lead, listened to the children as they shared the work they had been covering in class.
The children are taught that it is important to be able to express their emotions in a safe way. This is key to being able to identify when children (and staff) need to welcome additional support when times are tricky or tough. This extends to our wider school community too.
By talking about how we feel on the inside, and how that impacts on how we behave on the outside, really helps our whole school community to work together and achieve the best possible outcomes.
Special days in school promote talking and listening about a range of topics. Oracy is very high on our school agenda and when we are discussing mental health and well-being with the children the very clear message is, ‘It’s good to talk’ and maybe even more important, ‘It’s good to listen’. Vital life lessons that none of us are ever too young to learn.
Sugar Hill Mental Health Day