In a recent visit by HMI to look at the quality of Careers Education at Greenfield the school was commended as providing strong provision. The HMI recognised that Careers Education Information and Guidance is a high priority in the school and that leaders have a clear plan for future development.
She said ‘there is a true commitment for the school to students not becoming NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training). She saw some well-developed work to promote apprenticeship too.
David Priestley, Executive Head teacher said it was good to see our commitment in this area endorsed and recognised by an inspection. We have invested heavily in the last year to ensure we provide a high standard of guidance. We are grateful to all our partners who help strengthen our offer.
Alongside Ofsted’s core inspection programme, they also survey and report on specific issues relating to aspects of children and young people’s education, learning and care. Greenfield was selected to take part in the survey of enterprise, employability and employer engagement.
The survey is designed to reflect a cross-section of schools in relation to the geographical location, size and operational context, and Greenfield was selected as part of this representative group.
Successful Ofsted at Greenfield