Helping Hands recently hosted another Fashion Show, which was a roaring success. It was held mainly for other statutory and voluntary organisations to invite their service users.
Kerry Wootton co-ordinated the event and said ‘they just get better and better. To see the positive impact they have makes all the hard work worthwhile’. Tricia Stewart from One Point also supported the day which was wonderful.
Amber our featured model from Family Wise said “It was wonderful that so many people were helped through this event and I really enjoyed being involved in such a positive community experience.”
Kerry said we had phenomenal feedback from service users on the day: “Today literally felt like Christmas. I can’t believe how kind people have been. I am a single parent and only work 16 hours per week and get no help financially from my son’s ‘dad’ so I struggle to keep up with his growing spurts. Thank you again”. Lisa
“I have never felt as good as this for a long time. It is lovely getting these beautiful clothes. I feel confident now going into the job centre and work programme dressed nicely. I have set up my own cake business through the confidence building course that One Point leads and am grateful for this brilliant fashion show by Helping Hands”. Jillian
Alwyn White, project manager of Helping Hands thanks Syd Howarth for the Newton News support as these events would never be as successful as they are without it.