Wednesday 23rd October was designated “Our Futures” day at Greenfield College. The timetable was suspended as students participated in a wide range of activities to help them think about their future careers and to unleash aspirations.
Year 7 were treated to a powerful performance from Theatre Hullabaloo followed by a QR code careers hunt to help them design and create a life-size poster.  For year 8 there were financial skills workshops with the staff from Santander, and an opportunity to use JED to discover what career might be right for them.
Year 9s went to Belmont to Get the Buzz – and came back buzzing, having had fun visiting a range of interactive careers stalls!
CragRats delivered excellent workshops to year 10, covering everything from body language to CV writing and with a Dragon’s Den session – won by Blank Canvas with their creative and innovative idea for a design app and Team Ten with a show stopping pitch for their smart trainers. While all of this happened in school year 11 were visiting universities at York, Newcastle and Sunderland where they got a taste of student life.
The students really enjoyed these university visits, getting a clearer picture of university life and paths to studying at university, one student said: “I’d never thought that university was for me but after yesterday I’ve totally changed my mind – I even know exactly which course I want to get on to now!” Martin Smith Subject leader for English who accompanied one of the groups said: “The Newcastle trip was really useful and interesting. Our students got a really clear idea of what student life is like – the whole day was really inspiring and fun!”
All students in years 7-9 also had the chance to watch videos filmed by Greenfield Alumni about their careers journey after leaving school. With videos representing alumni who attended school from 1979 right up to 2005 current students heard that from Greenfield it is possible to go anywhere and be anything, from a chemist in Dubai, to an Army Captain in Germany; from a professional sportsman to a professional drummer, ex-Greenfield students have gone on to do great things.  They have built their own businesses and one is a local pastor, but teaching /education appears to be a particularly popular choice – sometimes locally, sometimes as far away as Vietnam.
Greenfield wants thanks to everyone who sent in a video. The initiative has been so successful that it is hoped to start a library of these and build an alumni organisation. If you are an ex-Greenfield student and would like to submit a video, contact We would love to hear from you.