Greenfield Arts are excited to be hosting the Anne Frank Outreach exhibition at Greenfield Community College – Sunnydale Campus and Aycliffe Site, in The Greenfield Gallery.
This exhibition, which is a travelling outreach display and has come especially to Greenfield Community College from the Anne Frank Museum in Amsterdam, includes a display of photographs and text, as well as a response from the students of Greenfield Community College and local primary schools in Shildon who have taken part creative outreach sessions.
We were very honoured to give a private tour at The Greenfield Gallery to Phil Wilson MP who talked in depth with the students about his visit to the Anne Frank Museum, Amsterdam, and asked the Ambassadors lots of great questions about the exhibition.
Commenting on the exhibition Phil said “It is important to keep the memory of what happened all those years ago alive. The students have done a tremendous job, I was very impressed with their knowledge around the subject and their confidence. I would advise anyone who hasn’t to visit the exhibition.”
Students from both campuses have had the opportunity to train as Ambassadors for the exhibition, in which they have been leading tours of the display, highlighting key areas and engaging students.
It is so important to share this history so it doesn’t get lost or forgotten.
The Ambassadors trained with the Anne Frank Trust for two days, looking at how they can explore the Second World War, prejudice, compassion and respect through the story of Anne Frank and how they can pass this onto their fellow students. This has been a great educational tool, giving the Ambassadors a sense of responsibility and skills in presenting to their peers as well as sharing the important information.
Students said they feel they wouldn’t have engaged as well without the Ambassadors and have learnt so much about prejudice within society. The Ambassadors also noted how much they have learnt about managing a group of students.
Our Director of Arts and Creativity commented “this exhibition opportunity has given us the chance to develop a wide and varied high quality programme of activities that have reached all young people at both campuses and extended to local primary schools and the wider community. We are really pleased to help share Anne’s story and the important lessons which stay with you.”
From the 7th – 27th January 2016 the exhibition is at The Greenfield Gallery and is open to the public. In addition to this we are hosting a celebration of all the work the Ambassadors and young people have achieved on Holocaust Memorial Day Wednesday 27th January at The Greenfield Gallery and live performance of The Tin Ring. To find out more about the exhibition or to book a group visit, please contact Greenfield Arts on 01325 379048 or Thank you to the many people involved in this exciting programme.
Students Give MP Tour of Anne Frank Exhibition