Durham Leadership academy celebration was held on Friday 12th July, at Durham Town Hall organised by Durham Sport to congratulate top leaders in the County. It was a fantastic evening of celebration and entertainment. followed by a welcome buffet.
Lee Fawcett (GB Wheelchair basketball player and GB Fencer and Head coach for Newcastle Eagles Wheelchair Basketball team) made an inspirational speech before presenting the leaders with their well-earned awards.
Greenfield Community College have over 100 dedicated sports leaders. Many have given over 100 hours of their time to support others throughout the year. It was a great honour for 14 students to be recognised at County level. and a credit to the commitment of the young leaders involved.
Rubi Alderson (middle left with her trophy) recently named Greenfield’s Sports leader of the year, was awarded the outstanding achievement award for the Sedgefield SSP at this event. Rubi is one of a number of dedicated young leaders from the school, she is an inspiration to others and an outstanding role model to her peers. Well done Rubi.
Other dedicated leaders invited to this event include (Yr11) Bradley Blyth, Jessica Hall, (Y10) Sam Dobinson, Sam Morgan, Megan Eldvidge, (Yr9) Amber Dolby, Courtnie Mills, Emily Farlow, Sam Robinson, James Addy, Rubi Alderson, (yr8) Sam Clark, Sophie Hayes & Abbey Warburton. Durham Sport thanked them for their hard work throughout the year.