Mr. Jon French has been elected as Chair of Governors at Woodham Academy. Mr. French has served on the Governing Body as a parent governor and is a longstanding member of the Governors’ Finance Committee. Mr. French’s election follows the retirement of Christine Robinson, who has served as Chair of Governors since 2005. Mrs. Robinson’s contribution to Woodham Academy over the last nine years has been exceptional, helping to create today’s successful and happy school.
As the next Governors’ meeting, Mr. French will be joined by a new associate student governor, Emma Sandford. Emma has become Woodham Academy’s fifth student governor. She will join the Governing Body to make sure that students’ views are heard.
Emma applied to become a student governor because she wanted to have an impact, so that students following her would have an even better experience. She also believes that the opportunity to service on the Governing Body will help her to develop skills that will be useful in her future career.
Headteacher, Christine Forsyth, says “It is right and proper that students are represented at the highest level at Woodham Academy, because Woodham is their school. I am delighted that Emma has been appointed and know that she will be a worthy successor to our previous student governors, Jordan McAteer, Richie Howe, Josie Eldridge and Callum Scott, all of whom have been great ambassadors for Woodham Academy.
Student Emma Joins Governing Body at Woodham Academy