A proposal to apply a small increase to the police element (precept) of Council Tax has been supported by the Durham Police and Crime Panel, at the Panel’s meeting earlier today. As a consequence the precept will rise by 1.98% from April, equivalent to 4p a week for households in Council Tax Band A.
Ron Hogg, Durham’s Police and Crime Commissioner, sought views from residents about the proposed precept increase, as part of his annual consultation, at events in shopping centres and community meetings, online and by telephone throughout January.
Residents from across all twelve neighbourhood policing teams gave their views, spanning age groups from 18 – 75 + years. From the 332 valid responses to the consultation, over 84 per cent were in favour of Mr Hogg’s proposal to increase the precept by 1.98 per cent from April 2016 (an increase of 6 pence per week for a Band D property).
Mr Hogg said: “Despite the fact that there will be a small increase in Council Tax there is a decrease in Government grants that must be managed carefully. I remain committed to ensuring the police have the resources they need to ensure the public receive the police service they deserve. This small increase will maintain at least ten Police Officers in post.”
“I am very conscious of the challenge that people face in terms of their household finances. The Panel today agreed that there was a clear public endorsement to the increase, from the residents who had taken the time to give me their views. Their support has convinced me that introducing the increase from 1 April 2016 is the right thing to do.”
Cllr Joy Allen, Chair of the Panel said: “These are very challenging financial times as policing budgets continue to be squeezed. Public opinion is extremely valuable in shaping the proposed plans to maintain an efficient and effective police service that meets the needs of our local communities. Therefore I am pleased to hear that the Constabulary are proposing to recruit additional PCSOs later this year.”
Mr Hogg continues to monitor the work Durham Constabulary has undertaken to increase value for money and to protect community policing.
Strong Public Support for Increase in Police Budget