On Tuesday, 7th March, Olivia from Durham University came to visit our classroom for the day. She came to teach us what life was like in Ancient Egypt.
Our first activity of the day involved us working as mini archaeologists and looking at a range of magnificent artefacts. We worked in pairs and had to draw, measure and describe each object, trying to guess what it was and what it could be used for. This was great fun!
After lunch we all got to design and make either an amulet or shabti doll from air drying clay. It was great being creative and we all had fun using the modelling tools to shape our designs.
The next activity was very interesting, as we got to explore x-rays and pictures of mummies. The first mummy we saw a picture of, was from a 15-year-old boy. We discovered some great facts about the second mummy. We learnt this person had been disabled and she started working as a servant.
Our final activity involved a role play of the mummification process. Kieran played the role of pharaoh and we all had a job to do; some were embalmers, others were Gods. The pharaoh was asked lots of questions and the gods decided if the pharaoh should go to duat, (which is the underworld).
This day was such good fun and we learnt lots of new facts about how the Ancient Egyptians lived.
Written by year 3 pupils from St. Mary’s.
Step Back in Time