On Thursday, 17th September Year 3 children from St. Mary’s RC Primary, Newton Aycliffe visited Beamish Agricultural show. As a class they recorded their ideas and shared together the most exciting ones to produce this report. Our driver was Neville, from J and C coaches; he was very friendly and looked after us very well. The day itself was very busy, as the children all had an opportunity to get hands-on experience of new things. In groups they all made a scarecrow and after that they had fun working as a group to do some Ceilidh dancing, with traditional live music playing as they danced.
As well as being involved in these activities, our children also were able to watch new things in the main arena, from the Strong Man display, to sheepdog herding, sheep shearing and a birds of prey show. Mrs. Moran was asked to help with the Strong man display. We saw some Shetland ponies and llamas too. The children all got a chance to demonstrate their creative sides after the main awards in the craft marquees where they had a try at proggy mats, patchwork and wood turning. We also got to taste fresh honey and be a taste tester for the new fruit cordial range coming to the museum next year.
We were very lucky to come away from the show with lots of prizes and an overall Outstanding School contribution award. We got a first prize in the Flowers category, Second prize for our vegetables, Third prize for animals made from vegetables. Also a second prize for Gingerbread Men and finally prizes for our Handwriting both at Key Stage 1 and 2; In Key Stage 1, we got a Second prize and Key Stage 2, a First and Third prize!
Here are a few quotes:
“The drinks were fantastic and the honey tasty.” “I liked it when Anthony was trying to herd the ducks into the pen.”
“The birds of prey were cool and flew like lightening.” “My favourite part was the prize giving- seeing our school win lots of awards.”
“The best trip ever- I hated saying goodbye!”
Neville, our coach driver commented..” The children were a pure delight and the teachers were thoroughly nice.”
Written by St. Mary’s Year 3 children.
St. Mary’s Pupils at Beamish