This week has been Road Safety Week. All schools within the Newton Aycliffe area in partnership with local Police Officers and PCSOs have been taking part in activities to promote awareness. Sergeant Andy Boyd and his team have worked with the uniformed Mini Police (children from Y5) here at St Mary’s RC Primary School on Central Avenue.
The St Mary’s Mini Police have taken a key part in supporting and promoting Road Safety Awareness Week. They were involved in the creation of the posters and leaflets distributed to parents and carers at all schools. In order to produce the posters Central Avenue outside the school was closed off to road traffic as the children role played road traffic accidents that could occur when cars are parked on the yellow school markings. The children were then photographed by an overhead drone.
This week each morning and after school, the Police and our Mini Police have worked hard to spread the word. During the monitoring sessions cars have been ticketed and drivers warned regarding their speed and parking outside of school and parking on double yellow lines.
I feel that the effort the Police and our Mini Police has had a huge impact on some of the drivers. The use of the ‘child’s voice’ has we believe been the key factor in spreading the word. By-passers and the public have been thrilled at seen our young citizens taking positive role in sharing Road Safety within our community.
St Mary’s Mini Police