On Wednesday, 2nd May, Alison Gray from the Dog’s Trust came to visit our school. She also brought along with her a surprise visitor, her dog called Molly. Molly had been a rescue dog, who had bene found near a road and they think she had bene ran over. Alison chose to adopt her. She is the Education worker for the Dog’s Trust and came to speak to us about the dangers of littering and how this can impact on dogs, other animals and the environment.
As a class we were encouraged to think more about throwing litter and how we can encourage others to be more careful and show more respect. We did not realise some of the horrible things that can happen as a result of litter. Bubble-gum, sweets and chewing gum are actually toxic to dogs. We learnt about other foods that are also harmful to dogs, such as grapes, chocolate and raisins.
A lot of us in our class have dogs of our own and were reminded of how to safely dispose of dog waste. We did not realise how many germs there were in dog poo. We were also set a challenge of designing a poster to encourage dog owners to safely dispose of dog waste. The winning design will be displayed at the Dog’s Trust in Sadberge.
It is really important we feel to spread the message of the dangers of litter. We are responsible for looking after our world and this starts with our local environment. We encourage you all to in future, stop and think before throwing litter on the ground or out of a window. It is easy enough to put it in a bon, or put it in your pocket, if a bin is not available.
Please help us to make our town a cleaner one, where we have less animals and wildlife damaged by litter! Thank you!
Written by year 3 pupils from St. Mary’s Primary School.