The children of year 5 at St. Francis’ Junior school, invited the rest of the school and families in to school to fill us in about STEM.
Stem stands for;
• Science. It is the study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observations, experimentation and testing theories. They also evaluate what they discover.
• Technology. This includes using Science for practical purposes in industry using machinery and equipment.
• Engineering. This includes using Science and Technology involving building, using engines, machines and structures. It also includes Art and Design as part of this process.
• Mathematics. This includes using numbers, calculations, shapes and spaces. Multiplication facts are always needed in fractions, measuring and to solve calculations quicker.
The children explained how STEM impacted today and the future as well as what jobs there are in the world of STEM.
Well done to Year 5 for being brave and teaching us so much during your collective worship!
St. Francis’ Year 5’s Collective Worship