Although our Sports Day didn’t go exactly as we had hoped, we refused to let some rain and flooded fields deter us – we adapted by hosting an Indoor Sports Day.
The students of St. Francis’ school formed teams and engaged in various games throughout the school to accumulate points and compete for the Sports Day victory.
Their enthusiasm and teamwork shone brightly, every child gave their best, showcasing remarkable sportsmanship and camaraderie and the day was filled with laughter and cheers as students participated in events like shot put, zig-zag running, beanbag toss and basketball, to name a few. Staff joined in on the fun, encouraging the students and sometimes even participating in the games themselves.
The overall winners were the Red team – congratulations!
A special shout-out to the Green team for their amazing effort in the shot put and to the Blue team for their outstanding performance in the hockey game. The Yellow team also deserves recognition for their team spirit and effort.
In the end, it wasn’t just about winning or losing, it was about coming together as a school community and making the best out of a rainy day. The indoor sports day turned out to be a memorable and joyous occasion, reminding everyone that with a little creativity and a positive attitude, any challenge can be turned into an opportunity for fun and learning.
As the students and staff look forward to next year’s Sports Day, they carry with them the lessons of resilience, teamwork and the importance of embracing the unexpected with a smile. Here’s to many more fantastic Sports Days at St. Francis’ school.
Congratulations to the Red team, our champions.