Since opening my audited accounts show that more than £8,000 has been raised from the sale of “All Sorts” of items collected over seventy years. The money has been donated to many good causes including: Tear Fund, North Air Ambulance, Copstone Project, Phase Worldwide, A promise to Zack, Emily Cook, St. Clare’s Roof Appeal, to name a few. A big thank you to the many kind people who continue to support me in lots of ways. I will continue to open the shop each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 10am to 1pm. In addition to my normal opening times I will be holding a Spring Clearance on Wednesday 8th February from 1pm-5pm. A warm welcome to all – just walk towards the front door of St. Clare’s and follow the signs pointing right. Godfrey Bennett.
Spring Clearance at “All Sorts”