Following the success of the school’s Kindness Café, children from Year 1 at Sugar Hill Primary School plan to spread some kindness across the community.
They have been discussing the BIG project question ‘Is It Fair?’ and this has led them to wanting to see a fairness in what is on offer in our community, especially to help the lonely, the elderly and the sick. They will be visiting various locations during March, to help spread kindness across our community sharing crafts, singing songs, encouraging book swaps and spending some of their time on others.
On Friday 1st March a group will visit Neville Parade Community Café to sing some songs and plant some daffodil bulbs, as it is St. David’s Day.
The following week a different group of children will visit Aycliffe Care Home sharing some crafts and songs. We also hope to visit Woodham Community Centre, further details will follow. Transport has kindly been offered by J&C Coaches, organised by Nev Jones, and we are so thankful for his kindness.
We will let you know how we get on.
Sugar Hill, Year 1.
Spreading a Little Kindness