The children of both St. Francis’ and Horndale joined together for their Sports day! After last year’s success we couldn’t miss an opportunity to join together again and show our teamwork, determination, perseverance and sportsmanship.
We were divided into eight mixed aged groups to compete in a number of games and activities. These included, javelin, discus, shot put, egg and spoon race, sack race, long jump and a bean bag relay race. After these events were completed, and the scores were tallied, the children competed in a year group sprint race. It was lovely to see and hear the teams cheering each other on and celebrating our achievements together.
At the end of the wonderful afternoon, the scores were in and the winner of the whole afternoon was Yellow 1! They each got a medal for their amazing skills throughout the afternoon. Go team!
Thank you to all the families and friends that joined us for our afternoon of sports. It was great to see so many faces and the children are always so excited to see that you have made that effort for them.
Sports Day at St. Francis’