Our group “Sensory Processing Disorder Parent Support North East England” is based in Newton Aycliffe but also have members all over Durham, UK and throughout the World. We are affiliated with the Star Institute for Sensory Processing Disorder in the USA. SPD is defined as a difficulty detecting, organising and responding to sensory information from the brain by the seven senses; tactile, auditory, movement, muscle memory, visual, taste and smell. We all have sensory processing differences but it is called SPD when it causes significant difficulties in daily life, development, behaviour and social interactions. Our children can have difficulties in any of these areas which can make their home/school life exceptionally challenging. The group meet every six weeks and through a closed Facebook account to offer support, advice, networking, meetings, education and strategies for our families. Understanding SPD is vital to helping the children/young adults, funding from the County Durham Community Foundation will employ a trained Sensory Integration Occupational Therapist from Tree Tops Children’s Occupational Therapy (Newton Aycliffe) to give us a morning’s training on how to help the children.