Dear Sir
I would like to respond to a letter in last week’ edition by Mrs M. Tomlin about councillor’s allowances and the quality of councillor that currently serves the people of Great Aycliffe, but first let me say a few things about myself.
It was an honour to be elected in 2013 to serve the people of Byerley Park, Horndale and Cobblers Hall. In the 2 years since, I have done that to the best of my ability, not only for that area but for people in other areas of the town that required a councillor that would get things done.
I currently live in Darlington but up until last year was a resident of Great Aycliffe for 41 years. I am vice chairman of Governors at a school on the town and have been a Governor for many more years.
In addition I am also chairman of my own Road Management group working closely with the schools, local police and the Crime Commissioner to ensure the safety and well-being of the town’s children when going to and from school.
It seems that Mrs Tomlin has a problem with Councillors missing meetings without even looking closely at the circumstances behind that or the councillors she is talking about, so let me explain for Mrs Tomlin’s benefit.
I have attended all but a handful of meetings since being elected. The meetings that I could not attend were the ones that clashed with my work hours, mainly sub committee meetings. I would see myself as being a very proactive councillor, always willing to serve the people of Great Aycliffe whenever needed.
It would be greatly appreciated if Mrs Tomlin would do a little bit of research about the person she is writing about before tarring all councillors with the same brush.
Also, as she is the wife of a former town Councillor, I would expect a bit more respect and understanding for the Councillors currently serving Great Aycliffe. If that former Town Councillor had himself been a better and more proactive Councillor then maybe he would have still been serving.
It sounds like a load of sour grapes to me.
Enough Said!
Cllr. Paul Kjenstad
“Sounds Like Sour Grapes”