Dear Sir,
In light of the General Election finally being called! In only two years time marks the 10th anniversary of Brexit…Yes, that’s right, ten years since the country became divided over what is best for our great country and its alliance with the EU. Many promises were made by the EU sceptic bandwagon, and many were made on thin ice.
We saw the rise of Boris and his following, but let’s not forget that it was David Cameron’s decisive tactic to win the 2015 General Election by allowing a UK referendum in the first place, stating that whatever the outcome, HE would stand by the British public’s decision and honour it. Well, we all know what happened next, the public rushed to the polling stations and voted Conservative.
The following year, after much debate, particularly from the Labour Party strongly urging the country to remain, as ‘It’s better the devil you know’, three million jobs depend on trade with the EU, leaving the EU would certainly hit the economy leaving less money for our NHS and other vital public services, being IN the EU gives us lower prices for holidays, cars and the weekly shopping, leaving would result with a shock to Britain’s economy, leaving working people worse off! The results came in, Leave = 52% Remain = 48%, the true result was, the country was not completely sold.
David Cameron typically did a U-turn, just like he did back in 2010 when the Conservatives came to power and chose not to honour it and step down as PM…then it all happened. That disastrous and poorly led Boris era, Liz Truss going head-to-head with a flippin lettuce! The country and governance falling apart at the seams with much contempt for parliament and the people! Lie after lie and outright corruption! Let’s not forget that Rishi was once Chancellor who was spending millions, sorry, billions…TRILLIONS of taxpayer’s money without scrutiny, resulting in a whopping debt that WE would pay for one way or another, and we did! And now that Chancellor is our un-elected Prime Minister who will plea for your vote after sugar coating the economy.
So, I ask, was Labour in fact correct in saying, ‘Better the devil you know’ back in 2016? Because, in retrospect, it certainly seems so! Would any of this utter mess have happened if people voted, more wisely and listened to the voice of reason? But, yet they say, “don’t let Labour take us back to square one”, why? We could swim in the sea, we had dental care, we could afford a mortgage, a car, a holiday, a pay rise. We had no cost of living crisis, we could protest, we had freedom of movement, we had strong frictionless trade with the EU, prices were fair, we saw our doctors in person, we had libraries, we could report a crime, we had training and opportunities and a debt that was far less than what the Tories have clocked up!
But, more importantly, we had a mighty NHS!
Personally, it’s been a disastrous 14 years and perhaps we all need to go back to square one and start afresh? Let’s vote more carefully when we tick that box at the polling station this time, we need to climb ladders instead of sliding down snakes. Don’t waste your vote. Vote to climb, not to slide. Let democracy prevail.
Name and address supplied.