Silverdale House been been refurbished painted and cleaned and it is being made a
Dementia Friendly building. The centre is accessible to all ages, but we do need some volunteers please.
New Pathways Together Dementia Awareness Group and Activities. meets Tuesdays 10.30am until Rug making, Craft sessions and many other activities followed by lunch at 11.55am
Last Tuesday we listened to music, had coffee etc and at lunch time enjoyed Soup and a Bun.
On Thursdays from 10.30am until11,30am the group meets at the Youth Centre and this Thursday we are going to the Glass Centre at Sunderland followed by a trip to South Shields.
We will be using th Aycliffe Community Bus. Next Thursday at the Youth Centre an officer from the Tees and Esk Health Group will be attending.
For more details ring 01325 308094.
The Lakes and Dales Residents Association meets at the centre on Wednesday 20th May at 6pm. Everyone welcome. We want to discuss trips away and activities in the centre. More information on 01325 308094.
Silverdale Centre Refurbished
![Silverdale Centre Refurbished](