Dear Sir,
Our Labour MP, Phil Wilson has published his survey of local businesses on their attitude to the European Union and concludes that 86% favour continued membership while 75% of those wanted change. Given that most people I talk to have a preferred change that they consider to be a RED LINE, and that at a recent visit to the European Parliament the Germans and the French both said that further Political and Fiscal integration was their Red Line [the French President going as far as to say that members who did not want more Political and Fiscal union should leave the EU] it is unlikely that any local or national businesses would agree to a change that meant increased integration to support the failing Euro.
I wonder if Mr Wilson asked the respondents if they thought Britain should join the failing Euro? If he had I bet there would have been a 99% NO response.
What was evident from the speeches at the European Parliament was that the German Chancellor and the French President had decided on more Political and Fiscal union and that the rest had better support them! However, a new Euro-Sceptic government has been elected in Poland and other states have closed their borders to illegal migrants despite the Germans having declared a Europe wide open border policy. There may soon be no European Union for us to leave. Its undemocratic actions and institutions are being seen for what they are.
The EU as it stands is undemocratic, the immigration policy has been decided (and has been thrown into turmoil) by the Germans ALONE. It was the Germans who negotiated the Euro bail out for Greece, this, despite the Greeks having signed up to cancelling similar German debts in 1953. As one Greek said recently, the Germans should not be lending Greece money, they should be paying Greece War Reparations!
As far as the in/out referendum goes, we know that the Establishment Parties want to scare us into staying in by threatening the OUT supporters with unemployment etc. This is what the Establishment did during the Scottish Independence Referendum. However, the Tories, Labour and Lib-Dems all shed crocodile tears about the demise of our steel industry and blame steel dumping by China when the true cause is the lack of a level playing field in Europe due to green taxes and European countries ‘illegally’ protecting their own steel industry. Only when we are out of the European Union can we decide for ourselves how we protect our industries and jobs.
The fact is that all the political parties (except only UKIP) are scared to pull out of the European Union. They will have nobody to blame when their policies fail. They are scared to govern an Independent Great Britain; better to give Taxpayers money to the unelected European Commission (which is more corrupt than FIFA allegedly is, and cannot get any auditor to pass its annual accounts).
At least Mr Wilson has nailed his colours to the STAY IN mast [at least for the near future]. This could change under the new Labour Party leadership, indeed if he comes down on the wrong side he could risk de-selection! How undemocratic is the situation he is now in? Those who voted for him on Labour General Election Manifesto now have a right to know if he, like Jeremy Corbyn, has torn up that Manifesto. What does he now stand for? Should he not now resign?
Alastair P.G.Welsh.
“Should Our MP Resign?”