Stacey has lived in Newton Aycliffe her whole life and attended Woodham Comprehensive School. She has been writing as a hobby for years, but it has only been in the last few years that she has started to write for an audience. She went back to university as a mature student and studied a BA (hons) in English Literature and then went on to study an MA in Creative Writing which she has received a predicted grade of distinction. Last year she submitted work to her first competition, a mentorship with Penguin Random House. She was both longlisted and shortlisted for that competition and spent a day meeting with editors and agents from Penguin. She also had her work read over by editors who gave her great feedback. She has since completed the novel that she entered into that competition and is currently seeking representation for it.
This year she decided to submit to more competitions and was shortlisted for The Bristol Short Story Prize which is an international competition. Short listees travelled from as far as New York and Canada to be at the awards ceremony and book launch.
Stacey usually writes what she would describe as social realism, her writing centres around working class people and working-class lives because she feels they can often be under-represented within the literary industry. Her short story for the Bristol Prize was a work of experimental fiction in which she played around with anti-narrative to create “The Making of Nancy”. The story is about a seventeen-year-old girl and the events in her life that make her who she is and the society around her that she feels disassociated from.