Dear Sir,
I attended the Extraordinary Meeting of the Town Council last week to hear the debate on our town market.  Sitting at the back I expected to see a full turnout of Councillors to give support to the stallholders.
Members of the public wanted to speak to representatives of their ward, but only 21 out of 30 turned up and I wonder what happened to the rest? Was it not important for them to show residents that they support the market?
All four Independent Councillors were present which defies Labour’s criticism of them previously. I would have thought this issue was important as it affects the townspeople who vote Councillors to office to represent their views and should be seen to support the stallholders who have served us well in all weathers.
I thank those Coucnillors who did attend and who supported the motion to make sure Aycliffe does not lose its market.
Market Supporter
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