Everyone from supermarket shoppers, to theatregoers, leisure centre users and market stallers are having their say on how to make budget savings in County Durham. The North East’s largest council is asking the public to help it decide how to save a further £29million next year and alongside an online option and Area Action Partnership (AAP) events right across the county, there are roadshows in supermarkets, leisure centres, theatres and even a market. The consultation started on September 5 and there have been a wide range of venues and consultation sessions on offer. On September 22nd Durham County Council’s Leader, Cllr Simon Henig, took to the road to ask shoppers in Tesco at Newton Aycliffe what they thought of the savings proposals. Afterwards Cllr Henig said: “It’s really important that we listen to what the public have to say and by taking our consultation on the road we are giving even more people the chance to do just that. “It’s clear that the people we speak to find it just as difficult as ourselves to make the budget savings we have to find but by taking the consultation out to people we are getting a really broad range of views. “There are still more events to come and I hope many more people will get involved.” Over the past five years Durham County Council has already reduced spending by more than £180million, with residents and businesses playing a key role in helping
shape where cuts should be made. People can also pre-register for the remaining AAP local sessions or take part online at www.durham.gov.uk/budget Photo: Cllr Simon Henig meets shoppers at Tesco at Newton Aycliffe as part of the council’s budget roadshows.