There will be a Service to commemorate All Souls Day, at St. Clare’s Church on Sunday 2nd November at 10.00am, at the Parish Eucharist. Anyone is most welcome to come along to remember a past loved one.
Please add the name of the person you would like remembered on the list provided at the back of church as you enter. Prayers will be said and names read out during the Service.
One large candle will be lit during this time, followed with a short period of silence. Light refreshments are provided afterwards in the church hall. For more information please contact Pam Lovelass on 316841.
On Sunday 9th November The Parish Eucharist Service at St. Clare’s Church will be held at the earlier time of 9-15am. This is because there will be a Service of Remembrance at 10.55am preceded by a parade and the 2 minutes silence.
Services at St. Clare’s