Options is a high quality person-centred service offering daily support and opportunities for disabled people, based at the Pioneering Care Centre in Newton Aycliffe.
Last week people attended a launch event to celebrate the Options project being open 5 days a week. Previously daily support was only available for 4 days but due to popular demand the hours of service have been extended.
The programme provides a way for disabled people to have more control over their lives and participate more fully in the community in which they live.
Visitors attending the launch got to view the wide range of educational and social activities available to members, which include tending to plots in the PCC garden, visits to local leisure centres, shops, cinemas and cafes. Options also organise residential activity weekends to enable members to experience new challenges.
They also got to meet and chat with Options members who showcased their skills including cooking, IT, story writing and film making.
Social care workers refer disabled people into the service which offers daily support and opportunities to enable them to achieve their personal goals. Options members develop personal development plans which can include access to education, training, leisure, volunteering and employment.
The Options service also enables carers to have some short-term respite whilst the person they care for attends. Carers tasks may also become less as members develop daily living and independence skills.
An Options Social Club also takes place every Thursday from 6pm within the Pioneering Care Centre. The club is open to all local disabled adults and activities include hydro pool sessions, table tennis, bingo, pool and internet access.
For further information contact the Pioneering Care Centre, Carer’s Way, tel: 01325 321234 email: options@pcp.uk.net website: www.pcp.uk.net. Or find PCP on Twitter: @PioneeringCare and Facebook: /PCPandCentre
Service for Disabled Adults Opens 5 Days a Week