The Newton Aycliffe Beat Team are continuing to problem solve around the issues affecting you the most. We work very closely with partners to reduce demand on our services, but at the same time trying our very best to increase your confidence and satisfaction in what we do. Over the last month, we have been very busy in contributing to projects which reduce Anti-Social Behaviour by increasing youth provision across the town. Two multi-agency projects in full swing at the moment are the TLP (Time Limited project) which aims to increase the amount of activities for youths in the Western area and also create a community garden, and also another project in the town centre working with key stakeholders to reduce issues there. These are not ‘quick fix’ projects, it is hoped that these will give us a sustainable solution to problems in these areas over the medium to long term, but efforts are still being made to interact, educate and divert youths from participating in such behaviour in the short term too. Youths drinking alcohol on a weekend remains an issue, and when we attended the plantation behind Cobblers Hall just last Friday we found in excess of 50 youths in the dark and in possession of alcohol, clearly putting themselves in a vulnerable situation. Youths found in possession of alcohol had it seized, details obtained and further work will take place to educate them around the associated dangers. It is clear that adults are still purchasing alcohol for youths, this has to stop! You are putting your kids in danger by doing so, not only due to the associated health implications, but it also makes them easy targets for assault. Please help us to keep your kids safe!? PCSO Atkinson has been doing some great work with the St Marys School Mini Police team. On the 6th February, they were outside the school carrying out Community Speed Watch, and on the 10th February they staged a mock shoplifting exercise in Tescos to learn how to capture evidence…..some have argued that they did a better job than us!! I was privileged to be asked to attend an Aycliffe Community Engagement (formerly GACAP) meeting to discuss community policing. There are many meetings taking place like this across the town, and what is clear is that there is some fantastic work being done by all to improve the area. On the 22nd February Skye-Marie was presented with an ACE (Aycliffe Community Excellence) award, this was for assisting the Park Wardens with a clean-up of West Park. The ACE awards were created to reward youths for doing great things in the community, McDonalds and ROF59 have been very supportive of this initiative and provide the rewards, well done Skye-Marie. Do you know we have a Facebook page? To see what we get up to please follow us on there. Till next month, take care. Sergeant 1430 Boyd Newton Aycliffe NPT
Sergeant’s Blog- Neighbourhood Policing