Our guests on Sunday’s show were Hayley and Sam from the charity Little SENDsations, which covers County Durham and the Northeast providing fun inclusive, accessible activities for SEND children and their families.
The charity was set up by Sam and Hayley in response to the lack of activities for disabled children which has hit some parents very hard, and they feel their intervention has helped to ease the pressures for many families. It has helped families gain the confidence to socialise with others in similar circumstances who understand the challenges of daily life as a special needs parent. The charity provides invaluable help, support and guidance in relieving mental health and anxiety, as well as contributing to children’s wellbeing and inclusion giving all children with special needs a feeling of acceptance.
The charity will be holding a networking event on 2nd March and will have over 35 charities, CIC’s, and organisations who provide support and advice for SEND families in attendance to offer vital hands on information and guidance. To have such a wide cross section of SEND organisations under one roof, showcasing what is available to the SEND community in the northeast, is an invaluable lifeline to our most vulnerable families. The charity also has a number of events planned over February half term including the Pendragon sensory room in Northallerton, a rock pool school with a qualified marine biologist, rhythm time with music teachers and science buddies UK.
These events are all catered to children with special needs and disabilities, giving them opportunities to experience things that they wouldn’t normally get to do.
Our guest for the second half of the show was Michael Stead of Steadfast Accountancy and Business Help, who was able to give us a brief insight into the financial issues facing many people in our community and the country as a whole, the trends of buying online, the power of retail parks, the current state of our town square with its empty retail units and the associated parking problems. Michael has agreed to return on the 18th February to answer people’s questions on handling their finances and looking at ways of gaining a better understanding of ‘money and how it works’.
Phill & Andy – Around Town, Aycliffe Radio
SENDsational Guests