Students at Woodham Academy have been celebrating their selection for the Bishop Auckland Schools Football Association District teams. The association is one of the biggest in the country and therefore the field is much more competitive than for most. Woodham Academy has a strong tradition of students leaving to become professional footballers and are doing their utmost to create the environment to allow the current crop to follow in their footsteps.
Mr Patterson, PE teacher, said, “It has been hugely exciting to resurrect the school’s sports academy following recent restrictions and very rewarding to see students enjoying training and working on their skills at the Football Academy, then representing the school and applying what they’ve practised during competitive fixtures.”
In total, 10 students will have the opportunity to showcase their talents at district level. In Year 8, Isaac Chambers and Jackson Raitt have been selected to represent the Bishop Auckland Schools District U13 team, their pace and power will be a big asset to the team. Meanwhile in Year 9, Connor Maitchell and Tyler Smith have been selected to represent the Bishop Auckland Schools U14 District team, Tyler is also currently on trial with Middlesbrough Academy, scoring 3 goals in his first 4 games. Year 10 students, Alex Beattie, Thomas Aspinall and Travis Dixon have all been selected for the Bishop Auckland Schools District U15s team. In addition, Enya Malarky has been selected to be part of the Teesside FA Girls’ Regional Talent Club (RTC), which aims to help the next generation of female football stars make it to the top. Finally, in Year 11, the skilful attacking duo, Zach Blythe and Charlie Dawson have been selected for the Bishop Auckland Schools District U16s team. We wish all students the best of luck with these opportunities.
Mr Bell, Headteacher, said “Our school motto is ‘Achievement for All’, and it’s excellent to see these students reaching their potential. We’re very proud of the way they represent the school. We hope this success continues and, in future, more students are recognised for their talents.”
Selection Success for Woodham Academy Footballers